Among the various initiatives launched, one has sparked Sustainability Lab's curiosity. It is Sustainable Brand Platform, a startup that supports companies in the fashion sector to achieve their climate goals.
Continue to readYamamay's Sustainability Report 2023 is out including their collaboration on the measurement & communication of their Sculpt line with Eurojersey and Sustainable Brand Platform.
Continue to readThree years ago the Sustainability Pledge Initiative by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe was born to foster impact. Look into SBP's UNECE pledge to enhance transparency in garment & footwear value chains here.
Continue to readThree years in a row SBP is attending the GFA Summit in Copenhagen as a members of the GFA Innovation Forum and solution provider for the textile industry.
Continue to readThe 1st event dedicated 100% to traceability and environmental impact for fashion brands and industrials taking place in Paris. Meet the Sustainability Team of SBP in the exhibition zone at Fashion Act.
Continue to readYamamy reached a new level of sustainability in fashion by following Ecodesign principles and partnering up with Eurojersey and Sustainable Brand Platform for their Sculpt Line.
Continue to readWith environmental responsibility in mind, Grassi allied with Sustainable Brand Platform to offer its brands the tools necessary to measure and communicate their commitment to sustainability.
Continue to readThanks to the collaboration between Yamamay and Sustainable Brand Platform, a QR code integrated in each item guarantees transparency and shows product impacts to end-consumers.
Continue to readIt is necessary to rethink the entire fashion sector. We need to start from the basics and make them more solid than ever, with a focus on the production chain and the collection of accurate data. This is confirmed by the virtuous example of Sustainable Brand Platform.
Continue to readTogether with Sustainable Brand Platform, Yamamay created individual Product iD Cards for their Sculpt Line, making end-consumers aware of product impacts and journey through the whole supply chain.
Continue to readYamamay has collaborated with Sustainable Brand Platform, a leader in environmental impacts in the fashion sector, on a digitalized Product iD Card that offers information about the garments in real-time to their costumers via a QR-code on hang tags and materials in store.
Continue to readIt is necessary to increase the sense of responsibility and strategies, such as the agreement signed with Sustainable Brand Platform, the Italian tech startup that in addition to sharing sustainability data between the different actors, also creates QR Codes that allow you to follow the story of the garment.
Continue to readThe Yamamy Sculpt Line turns 10, having become greener thanks to the reduction of components made, the choice of materials used and a traceability feature in form of the Product iD Card by Sustainable Brand Platform.
Continue to readThe digital passport is one innovative tool that allows you to identify the product and provide information on its life cycle, from production to distribution to disposal. It was created in collaboration with Sustainable Brand Platform (SBP), an Italian startup that has developed a sustainability platform intelligence for brands and companies operating in the fashion sector.
Continue to readIn a space full of opportunities, Sustainable Brand Platform (SBP), an all-Italian tech startup, is an innovative solution dedicated to the fashion industry for the analysis and management of corporate sustainability performance.
Continue to readSustainable Brand Platform has created a solution specifically to bring multiple datasets from suppliers, including company carbon footprint information, together in one place.
Continue to readSustainable Brand Platform is a young, proactive, Made in Italy company founded in January 2022. In August it launched its sustainability data intelligence platform to enable businesses to accelerate their effectiveness to decarbonize their value chains.
Continue to readFashion tech startup Sustainable Brand Platform (SBP) has unveiled a new platform that aims to aid fashion companies in taking control of their sustainability data and accelerating their sustainability performances.
Continue to read«Da tempo non percepivo tanto fermento», ha detto il ceo di RG showroom. Che come talent scout accende i suoi riflettori sul brand canadese 3.Paradis.
Continue to readIl salone ospiterà i brand green entro un palinsesto di eventi sulla transizione eco. «Informiamo sullo stato della filiera italiana», ha detto il founder Bizzi.
Continue to readBudget aperti, attesa per la fashion week e per collezioni cool . «La città è seduttiva e in fermento», dice il ceo di RG showroom.
Continue to read«Questo è il metodo da adottare per le supply chain», spiega il fondatore e ceo di RG showroom. La realtà milanese offrirà ai propri marchi servizi di supporto per definire e implementare i loro percorsi green.
Continue to readSustainable Brand Platform (SBP) has partnered with Milan-based RG Showroom to provide brands with services aimed at raising awareness and promoting further communication of their sustainability efforts.
Continue to readUna Sustainable ID Card permetterà ai brand che lavorano con l'agenzia di comunicare in modo trasparente le proprie prestazioni agli stakeholder. Grassi: «La sostenibilità è il metodo da adottare per le supply chain».
Continue to readBeginning with the upcoming season, the parties will join forces to support fashion brands in measuring, improving and communicating their sustainable efforts and commitments.
Continue to read"La nostra sfida è quella di creare un linguaggio universale e una forte community per i marchi indipendenti della moda”, ha dichiarato Alex Albini, fondatore e CEO di SBP.
Continue to readTaglio del nastro per la fiera milanese dedicata alla moda. Presenti all'inaugurazione Lucia Borgonzoni, Guido Guidesi, Alessia Cappello e Lara Magoni. «In questa prima giornata avverto una salutare euforia»
Continue to readLa società è stata inserita tra i progetti approvati dalla sustainable development goals partnership platform della Nazioni Unite.
Continue to readThe online destination, which uses blockchain technology to offer environmental and ethical ratings for international emerging fashion labels, has received the stamp of approval from the U.N.
Continue to readLa piattaforma ha aggiornato l'algoritmo per offrire nuove funzionalità e ha siglato accordi oltrefrontiera con importanti realtà internazionali.
Continue to readIl salone di Massimiliano Bizzi lancerà da oggi una serie di special project volti a promuovere il tessuto industriale italiano delle pmi e gli shop locali.
Continue to readTajani: “In questi anni, insieme a WHITE, abbiamo promosso sostenibilità e circolarità della produzione, dal filato al prodotto finito.”
Continue to readMilano e Lisbona, due città che per vocazione scommettono sulle nuove generazioni di creativi e sulla moda sostenibile.
Continue to readTajani: “Grazie a un calendario totalmente on line, che coniuga linguaggi contemporanei e tecnologia, si permette a tante piccole realtà artigianali di presentare in maniera efficace e mirata le proprie idee e collezioni a buyer, giornalisti e operatori.”
Continue to readDurante la Milano Fashion Week Men’s Collection torna WSM Fashion Reboot, format di White sull’innovazione sostenibile che per questa edizione debutta con un format interamente digitale.
Continue to readWhite lancia Wsm digital, un progetto online con focus sulla sostenibilità e sul mondo dell’artigianalità evoluta presentando 40 collezioni uomo e unisex.
Continue to readL'appuntamento con il salone virtuale è atteso dal 16 al 18 gennaio 2021, durante la Milano fashion week men. La nuova edizione presenterà 40 collezioni uomo e unisex.
Continue to readDa Burberry ad Alexander McQueen fino a Farfetch. La moda abbraccia la nuova tecnologia per tracciabilità, autenticazione e sicurezza nelle transazioni.
Continue to readUn servizio, erogato attraverso la piattaforma Sustainable Brand Platform per aiutare i brand emergenti della moda nella valutazione dei loro impatti etici e ambientali attraverso la tecnologia blockchain.
Continue to readIdee Brand Platform (IBP), la società italiana che offre una consulenza mirata all’evoluzione commerciale dei brand del settore moda, ha annunciato il lancio di Sustainable Brand Platform (SBP).
Continue to readLa piattaforma offre una valutazione ambientale ed etica delle giovani label, connettendole con i player distributivi e i consumatori finali.
Continue to readLa piattaforma offre una valutazione analitica dell’impegno e dei risultati in termini di sostenibilità e di responsabilità sociale di brand emergenti internazionali.
Continue to readL'azienda italiana di consulenza lancia un servizio a sostegno della sostenibilità della filiera. Grazie a un algoritmo vengono valutati le certificazioni ambientali, i processi produttivi e la tracciabilità della supply chain.
Continue to readIdee Brand Platform (Ibp) lancia Sustainable Brand Platform e mette la tecnologia Blockchain a sostegno della sostenibilità della filiera della moda.
Continue to readThe online destination uses blockchain technology to offer environmental and ethical ratings for international emerging fashion labels.
Continue to readPerché avete deciso di avvicinarsi alla sostenibilità? E’ una richiesta del mercato o una scelta dell’azienda?
Continue to readGet in touch with us today to become part of a collaborative ecosystem for a data driven fashion industry.